Pinnacle City Living

Address 230 Park Avenue, 19th Floor,
New York, NY 10169
(646) 770-1693 NY Regional Office

Company Profile

Established in 1980, Pinnacle is one of the largest multifamily property managers in the country. As of 2017, Pinnacle is a privately-held organization.

Building Portfolio Profile

0 10 20 30 40 50 1 2 3 4 5 Buildings Floors Pinnacle City Living

Buildings Under Management

Financial District

  • The Pinnacle (63-67 Wall Street)
    2-building complex.
  • 63 Wall Street
    37 floors 476 units
    High-rise doorman elevator building. The building's amenities include a laundry and a garage.
  • 67 Wall Street
    25 floors 317 units
    High-rise doorman elevator building. The building's amenities include a laundry, a gym, and a garage.

Upper East Side

  • The Wimbledon (200 East 82nd Street)
    28 floors 221 units
    Modern high-rise doorman elevator building. The building's amenities include a laundry and a gym.
  • 85 East End Avenue
    15 floors 155 units
    Post-war high-rise doorman elevator building. The building's amenities include a garage.

Upper West Side

  • The Corner (200 West 72nd Street)
    19 floors 196 units
    Modern high-rise doorman elevator condo building.

Map of Pinnacle City Living properties