This is the list of the 31 Carnegie Hill coop apartment buildings we profiled.
Current Rental Statistics
Building Set Profile
Carnegie Hill Coop Buildings (31)
Carnegie Towers
(115 East 87th Street)
38 floors
197 units
Post-war high-rise doorman elevator building. The building's amenities include a garage.
Park Regis
(50 East 89th Street)
32 floors
208 units
High-rise doorman elevator building. The building's amenities include a laundry and a gym.
The Queenston
(16 East 96th Street)
6 floors
40 units
Mid-rise landmark doorman elevator building.
1040 Park Avenue
14 floors
88 units
Pre-war high-rise landmark elevator building. The building's amenities include a gym.
1045 Park Avenue
15 floors
38 units
Pre-war high-rise landmark doorman elevator building.
1060 Fifth Avenue
13 floors
48 units
Pre-war high-rise landmark doorman elevator building. The apartments have high ceilings.
108 East 91st Street
9 floors
38 units
Mid-rise elevator building.
11 East 88th Street
8 floors
25 units
Post-war mid-rise landmark elevator building.
1120 Park Avenue
20 floors
68 units
High-rise landmark doorman elevator building. The building's amenities include a gym.
114 East 91st Street
5 floors
10 units
Low-rise landmark walk-up building. The apartments have high ceilings.
115 East 86th Street
16 floors
56 units
Pre-war high-rise doorman elevator building.
1175 Park Avenue
14 floors
52 units
Pre-war high-rise landmark doorman elevator building. The building's amenities include a gym.
1199 Park Avenue
18 floors
148 units
Post-war high-rise doorman elevator building. The building's amenities include a laundry.
124 East 91st Street
6 floors
24 units
Mid-rise landmark elevator building.
130 East 94th Street
9 floors
45 units
Mid-rise landmark elevator building.
131 East 93rd Street
9 floors
36 units
Mid-rise landmark elevator building.
1326 Madison Avenue
7 floors
40 units
Turn-of-the-century mid-rise landmark elevator building. The building's amenities include a laundry.
150 East 94th Street
11 floors
70 units
Pre-war mid-rise elevator building.
152 East 94th Street
13 floors
105 units
Mid-twentieth century high-rise doorman elevator building. The building's amenities include a laundry.
155 East 91st Street
9 floors
48 units
Mid-rise elevator building. The building's amenities include a laundry.
160 East 91st Street
8 floors
125 units
A pre-war elevator building.
161 East 91st Street
6 floors
48 units
Mid-twentieth century mid-rise elevator building.
162 East 91st Street
5 floors
22 units
Modern low-rise walk-up building. The building's amenities include a laundry.
166 East 92nd Street
6 floors
41 units
Mid-twentieth century mid-rise elevator building. The building's amenities include a laundry.
170 East 88th Street
5 floors
39 units
Modern low-rise elevator building.
170 East 94th Street
6 floors
42 units
Mid-rise elevator building.
20 East 88th Street
5 floors
18 units
Low-rise elevator building.
25 East 86th Street
15 floors
110 units
Pre-war high-rise doorman elevator building. The building's amenities include a laundry.
56 East 87th Street
6 floors
33 units
Mid-rise elevator building.
61 East 86th Street
7 floors
46 units
Turn-of-the-century mid-rise doorman elevator building. The building's amenities include a laundry and a children's play room.
64 East 94th Street
7 floors
46 units
Post-war mid-rise elevator building.